Commonly used parts: flowers and leaves. Reported effects are stimulating, a sense of well-being, relaxing and euphoria This herb mixes well with with other herbs. A perfect herb for those using herb in vaporizers. The Dagga is most often found in South Africa, and it produces beautiful orange flowers that can be used in different ways for medicinal purposes. It is a very large plant that can grow to a height of 2 meters. It is a member of the Mint family and most of its healing properties come from its leaves, which can be used in the same way as those of the Mint in order to make tea. In some cases oil is made from the flowers of the plant, which is also highly concentrated in healthy minerals. It can help with pain relief, blood circulation and the benefit of the overall body’s health.
Commonly used parts: flowers and leaves. Reported effects are stimulating, a sense of well-being, relaxing and euphoria This herb mixes well with with other herbs. A perfect herb for those using herb in vaporizers. The Dagga is most often found in South Africa, and it produces beautiful orange flowers that can be used in different ways for medicinal purposes. It is a very large plant that can grow to a height of 2 meters. It is a member of the Mint family and most of its healing properties come from its leaves, which can be used in the same way as those of the Mint in order to make tea. In some cases oil is made from the flowers of the plant, which is also highly concentrated in healthy minerals. It can help with pain relief, blood circulation and the benefit of the overall body’s health.